Select DogName,Case DogSex when 'M' then 'Male' else 'Female' end as DogSex,DogState,DogAge,DogDescription, Concat('/dog/',DogLink,'-',DogID,'.html') as DogLink,DogWeight,DogColor,DogEars,DogTail, Case DogNeutered when '1' then 'Yes' when '2' then 'Unknown' else 'No' end as DogNeutered, Case DogShots when '1' then 'Yes' when '2' then 'Unknown' else 'No' end as DogShots, Case OtherDogs when '1' then 'Yes' when '2' then 'Unknown' else 'No' end as OtherDogs, Case Cats when '1' then 'Yes' when '2' then 'Unknown' else 'No' end as Cats, Case Children when '1' then 'Yes' when '2' then 'Unknown' else 'No' end as Children, Case CrateTrained when '1' then 'Yes' when '2' then 'Unknown' else 'No' end as CrateTrained, Case HouseTrained when '1' then 'Yes' when '2' then 'Unknown' else 'No' end as HouseTrained, Case MicroChipped when '1' then 'Yes' when '2' then 'Unknown' else 'No' end as Microchipped, SpecialNeeds,AdoptionFees,DogDescription,AdoptedDate,DateAdded,DogPending From rd_dog_data where Active = '1' and DogID = '117' Order By DateAdded DESC; Select ImageURL from RD_DogImage_Data where DogID = '117' order by PrimaryImage Desc, DateAdded Desc; Select NewsDate,NewsText From RD_DogNews_Data Where DogID = '117' Order By NewsDate Desc;
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Bruiser - Male - PA | New Life Boxer Rescue


PA -

Male -


This dog was adopted on 2011-02-12

Personal Information

Weight:43 lbs





Shots Up to Date:No

Other Dogs:Yes



Crate Trained:Yes

House Trained:Yes


Individual Needs:none

Adoption Donation:$375

My Story


Bruiser is still with me and doing well.  He has slowed down a little bit, but still very much the typical boxer, and has some greying on his chin.  He has a lot of tartar, a couple of growths (one on top of his head, and a large skin tag on his belly), but the Vet said he would need to be knocked out to remove them and I don't want to risk it at his age.  This is mostly cosmetic.


Bruiser has arrived in PA after a very long journey. He is the sweetest boy you will ever meet. When we got home yesterday he went in to the crate to settle in with no complants.  My dogs sniffed him through the crate and all was well. He ate a little and had some water. I am fighting a terrible cold so I took a little nap and so did he. He met the resident dogs here and it was a love fest, Even Lina likes him, WOW!!!   He is very quiet and likes to give kisses. We had him playing with some toys and he can box for all the bigger he is.  Once he Settles in he and Lina will have a great time. He also LOVES  the boys, He goes in where they are and just lays on the floor, He is a great boy.  He went all night with out having to go out and has had no accidents in the house. He is not a fan of snow so he goes out quickly.  He has a scar on his back and one on his neck. Im not sure what they are from but my guess is he hasnt had the best start in life. You wouldnt know it though he is very gentle and loves everyone.  Get those apps in, this little cutie wont be around long, I cant even tell you how wonderful he is.

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